Francesca Morbidelli


Craft Beer Revolution in Florence: my Journey with Pinta Medicea

A while back, I was invited to share my beginnings with craft beer at an international public event. I spoke in English about craft beer in Florence and how I got into this “beer-world”. Before going, I jotted down some ideas on a few post-its. After rediscovering them, almost a year later, I decided to develop that small piece of text and then publish it on the blog.

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ArticoliSulla Birra

Gli stili della birra per principianti: un metodo semplice per imparare a riconoscere le birre ed abbinarle col cibo

Un approccio base alla degustazione della birra artigianale e non: 7 gruppi di stili: frizzanti, luppolate, maltose, tostate, affumicate, fruttate e speziate, acide e… puzzolenti! Le birre classificate secondo l’aroma e gli abbinamenti col cibo.

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